Focus on Body Combat


Step into a Body Combat workout and you’ll punch and kick your way to fitness, burning up to 570 calories along the way. This high-energy martial-arts inspired workout is totally non-contact and there are no complex moves to master.

Our instructor will challenge you to up the intensity and motivate you to make the most of every round. You’ll release stress, have a blast and feel like a champ.

What are the benefits of Body Combat?

  • great for burning calories and fat,
  • helps build your cardio endurance,
  • helps relieve stress,
  • great for co-ordination,
  • helps muscle toning and agility.

What exercises do you do in Body Combat?

Body Combat features moves from Karate, Taekwondo, Boxing, Muay Thai, Capoeira and Kung Fu. But don’t fret, you don’t need any martial arts experience – during the warm-up you’ll be coached through all the different movements. You can expect to power through invigorating sets of hooks, jabs and uppercuts, and there are plenty of kicks and high knees too. You’ll also benefit from functional training moves such as lunges, squats and push-ups.

How many calories do you burn during Body Combat?

You can expect to burn an average of 570 calories during a 55-minute BODYCOMBAT workout. You’ll also build cardio fitness, tone and shape the arms, back and shoulders, train your legs and condition your core.

What do you need for a Body Combat workout?

You don’t need any equipment. It’s a good idea to wear supportive shoes and comfortable workout clothes (avoid tight shorts as they can really restrict your moves). You’ll also need a drink bottle and a sweat towel.

How often should I do Body Combat?

For awesome results we recommend you do Body Combat two to three times a week. Add a couple of weights-based workouts and some core and flexibility training into the mix and you’ll shape and tone your body in no time.

Can I do Body Combat while I am pregnant?

It’s not a good idea to do Body Combat while you’re pregnant. During pregnancy the release of hormones such as oestrogen and relaxin can result in joints being less stable – so the kicks in Body Combat may adversely affect the hip and pelvis.

Book a class

Places can be booked up to seven days in advance of the class. Members please use either the TRAKK app or members portal. Non-members will need to visit reception to pay some money onto an account to be able to book classes. Once they have done this then they will receive a unique ID enabling them to book classes via the mobile app or members’ portal.
Please remember if you need to cancel any of the classes you have booked this must be done at least 90 minutes prior to the start of the class if you cannot attend. If you miss two classes within 30 days this will result in you being unable to book online and will have to do this in person at reception.

Source: Les Mills